The BRK 2024 Arts, Books,
Business & Education Tour
(NC, SC, FL, DC, MD, NY, NJ, DE, PA & GA)
The BRK 2024 Arts, Books, Business & Education Tour
(NC, SC, FL, DC, MD, NY, NJ, DE, PA & Georgia)
3/14 -“BRK Career Day, Book Exchange & Character Auditions” @Plantersville Elementary School
Georgetown, SC
3/15 - “BRK Career Day, Book Exchange & Character Auditions” @Brown’s Ferry Elementary School
in Georgetown, SC
Thur, 3/16 - “BRK Day & Character Auditions”
@Mingo Creek Academy, Georgetown, SC
3/18 -“ BRK & Friends PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS, Career Day, & BRK Stage Play & Auditions”
Howard Gym in Georgetown County, SC
Click Here for SC Price Sheet | View Press Pack

Seamón Enterprises and Family Foundation
Arts & Business Mentorship Program
In pursuit of our mission, The Seamón Family Foundation has partnered with The Big Rig Kids Organization to create the Arts and Business Program and Showcase, a project that will employ its strategic partnerships with Art & Business Professionals, Community Educators, Organizers, and College Students.
Youth and families will become registered program participants and receive Arts & Business content, within a reliable community- workshop, and mentor model, which will bring awareness and education of various career areas, genres of arts, and business interests to residents and youth from communities around the country.
Program Goals
To engage registered program participants with a reliable community-workshop mentor model, and bring awareness and education of various genres of art and business interests to residents in communities across the nation.
What's Offered
Program mentors come from a wide variety of creative, educational, and entrepreneurial backgrounds. As such, there are 9 tracks offered in the program.
Intro to the Music Industry
Intro to the Acting/Film Industry
Basic Music Composition & Songwriting
Drawing Instruction
Basic Fundamentals of DJing
Basic Photography Concepts
Fundamentals of Stop Motion Animation
Basic Bullying Awareness, Prevention, and Behavior Discipline
Introduction to Job Interviews
How to Attend
The program workshops are virtual, in-person (COVID-safe) or a hybrid version, and will occur over a period of 8 weeks both online and in-person, ending with a rewards ceremony/exhibit.
Workshops will be an hour-long and will be held 2 times a week. Join our National Professionals, Parents, and BizNet, for registration and event updates. Visit our Website, scroll down to "JOIN THE BIZNET FREE" and watch the 30-second, easy instructional video to Join.

Meet the SFFoundation's Approved Mentors
WMBrown Memorial
Scholarship Fund

4th Annual WMBrown Scholarship Meeting
Tuesday, 3/18/2025 at 5:30 pm EST
(via Zoom Link) ALL DONORS may attend.
We will commemorate the life of Wadiya Maria Brown through this fundraiser by Felicia & Jermaine Seamón, who will also celebrate their 23 years of #blacklove & marriage, from their 1st meeting at the 1st HBCU, Cheyney University, with their friend Wadiya. Jermaine & Felicia will donate all gifts to the WMBrown scholarship.
The WMBrown Memorial Scholarship Fund will encompass multiple scholarships for inner-city youth, in celebration of Wadiya's lifelong love and support of education, as well as to increase mental health awareness & support, as the lack thereof attributed to her death.
Your tax-deductible donation (in lieu of anniversary gifts) will support the WMBrown inaugural fundraiser and scholarship presentation. Learn more about our Art Auction here.
The Seamón Family Foundation is a 501 (c)3, that is committed to Social & Financial Investment in Literature, Arts & Culture, through youth, parental and community education and empowerment; while also working with partnering agencies to increase mental health awareness, prevent bullying and hate.
A private, 501 (c)3 organization
Founded in 2020 by CEO Felicia Seamón, The Seamón Family Foundation's mission is to address the lack of art programming and literacy support, business development, and mental health awareness in underserved communities by utilizing a community development approach, in partnership with local artists, agencies and organization that share its purposes.